
The material is the content of this guide, excluding any examples* provided which cannot be used or copied in any way.

*You are free to adapt the Introduction examples that most sections have.

You are free to:

  • Share β€” copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

  • Adapt β€” remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

You cannot:

  • Imply endorsement β€” don't use the Mousehole Press name or logos or my name (Jack Harrison) to imply endorsement of your Playset.

  • Include hateful language β€” Don’t use, promote, or normalise language that intends harm based on the rights and respect of physical and mental ability as well as racial, cultural, national, gender, and sexual backgrounds. If you feel qualified to include content related to these issues in your Playset, strongly consider providing content warnings for players at the start of the book.


You can include this text in your Playset, and/or on the page where you offer your Playset for sale:

Hopefully this doesn't feel too onerous! It's more for consistency than anything else.

Please drop me an email ( if you decide to make a Playset, I'd love to hear about it. I'm keen to celebrate and promote anything that fits within these guidelines.

Last updated